Sunday, February 24, 2008

23W - Hypno-Birthing Class

So I am reaching the 23th week and as you can see now I am obviously pregnant. Today for the first time a lady at the farmer's market asked me how far long I was so I am definitely showing; and I am enjoying it a lot. I am very proud to answer I am 5 and half months!!
This week we also started the childbirth classes; we decided to go with the Hypnobirthing class and both of us were very impressed with the first session; we saw a couple videos of births happening with this method and it seemed so peaceful and relaxed, so different from what you usually see on TV or hear from other people about childbirth. Everything looked extremely normal, well birthing is extremely normal, all living creatures do it so I guess we have been conditioned to see it more as a medical procedure than just as a normal type of event. I am very excited about the class, we have 3 more to go and I am sure it is going to be of great help for us when our little girl decides to come out to the real world; I pray that I can go ahead with my plan of having a very natural and enjoyable birthing experience. We learned how perfect the human body is and how birthing muscles work in complete harmony when the body is relaxed; therefore we should strive to stay away from stress and fear to allow the body to do its job.
This week I also worked on my Baby Registry. As of now I am doing 2 registries, one at Babies R Us and one at Amazon; it is a work in progress but I am almost done. It is amazing how much the internet helps in this process. I am not the type of person who can go spend hours at the store putting together a registry; but online I can see all the products and I can even get reviews about them which gives me a better idea of how useful and/or how good each product is. There are a lot of products that apparently are completely not needed, such as the Diaper pile and the wipers warmer; but I wouldn't know that if it weren't for some friend's advice and internet reviews.
I have felt the baby move a lot more this weekend and that gets me very excited. Saturday at Yoga one of the ladies said that her baby moves all day, like a soccer player; I really want my little girl to be like that, it is so reassuring to feel her kick, in spite of some of the discomforts it brings. I can't wait until the most active weeks (26 - 30).

Monday, February 18, 2008

22W, Ultrasound and The Keys!!

I am 25.4cm and I weight 1 Pound!! Quick pic!! take advantage

I am 22 weeks, passed the halfway point; i have been pregnant slightly more time than the time I have left. I am getting pretty excited every day especially because I am starting to feel stronger kicks and punches and I love it!!
Friday we had a perinatal ultrasound to finish the measurements of the baby's anatomy. They did this at 17W when they told us it was a girl but apparently they couldn't get a good picture of the heart; Friday on the other hand, the baby performed like a model, showing us everything the Dr. needed to see; they even said it was like textbook!! Everything looks perfect, the heart, heartbeat, measurements, size, weight, etc. On Friday the heart was beating at 135 BPM; a baby's heart rate inside the womb varies between 120 and 160 bpms so 135 is just perfect, the baby measures approximately 10 inches (25.4cm) and according to those measurements weights about 1 pound, which puts our little peanut in the 76th percentile of babies at that gestational age. Last but not least SHE IS STILL A GIRL!!!!; again it was very clear and the US technicians where 100% sure about it. So we are now getting even more excited, especially since some pink baby outfits have already been purchased. It was very exciting also to see her opening her mouth and drinking some delicious amniotic fluid; but after 20 minutes of putting up a show for the Dr. she decided to be shy and put her hand on her face so we couldn't really get a very clear profile picture!! maybe the next time!!!
I am still doing my research on vaccines and I think I pretty much have made a decision as to which vaccines I will consider for my little girl (so far only 2 or 3). The next step is to find more information on the benefits and risks involved in getting those shots. Additionally, I already have the names of 2 Holistic pediatricians in Miami who are friendly to non or a selective - delayed vaccination schedule.
This weekend we went to visit some friends in Key West. It was a beautiful weekend and we had a great time hanging out on that beautiful beach town. I might have been the only pregnant lady in town but I felt really proud of showing my bump and I think the baby liked it as well. Yesterday while having a pineapple juice at Happy Hour she started kicking like crazy; I was so excited about it. She has active and in- active times during the day; which are still not very defined but I love it when she is active, it is just the most reassuring feeling.
This week we might start the Child Birth classes. We were going to take the ones offered by the Hospital but since I am taking Prenatal Yoga which focuses on preparing your body for the most natural birth possible we are going to do it with my Yoga instructor who happens to be a Doula (Labor Coach). She offers a Hypno-Birthing Childbirth course which focuses on techniques that will allow me to labor at home as long as possible so that unnecessary medical intervention will not be used. Of course you learn about all the signs and symptoms that will tell you if it is safe for you and the baby to stay home until almost active labor begins. You learn pain management techniques through breathing, music, relaxation, massage, etc. I am pretty excited about the course and I think it will be very helpful not just for this pregnancy but for the ones to come as well.

My belly keeps growing, thankfully to the front and not to the sides. I can still fit in most of my pants with the help of the tummy sash and some of low cut ones still fit as before. This week I am posting a picture of Corinna instead, she is the star of this blog. She decided to keep her hand on top of her face and the shadow covers her face a bit.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

21 W , Vaccine Research and some Baby Clothes

So I am officially 5 months pregnant and halfway through this journey. It has seemed forever, but it also seems that time is flying by. I know that sooner than later I am going to be with my little girl in my arms. I can't wait.
I am really enjoying being pregnant, maybe because I haven't felt yet any of the uncomfortable symptoms. I don't feel heavy yet, I don't feel fat, I can wear my same clothes, I can exercise and I am enjoying the beauty benefits of pregnancy: smoother skin and my hair has just become much more manageable and fuller. I have to admit though that it is a bit intimidating to get on the scale every week and always see a higher # than the previous week.
I went to the Dr. on Friday, I really liked this Dr. that I haven't met yet (I go to a group of 4 Drs. and they rotate you every appointment), so out of 4 I really like 3 and I am not too fond of 1. I should be lucky enough to get one of the 3 ones I like on call the day I give birth. The Dr. said everything looks good; he heard the baby's heartbeat which he said was a "beautiful heartbeat" and he told me I should start feeling movement soon; he also heard some movement although I couldn't feel anything then. I have already felt a lot movement but I should start feeling more apparent and stronger moves, so I can't wait to feel a little boxer inside me.
I think that one of the things I am enjoying the most about being pregnant is that everyday you have something to look for; whether that is a new stronger kick or punch, more kicks or punches, a bit more of a belly, etc.
This past weekend I started my research on vaccines. To start with I got a book that was recommended on one of the pregnancy blogs I read. The Vaccine Book is written by Dr. Robert W. Sears and offers very complete information about each vaccine, their ingredients, the disease they protect against, their side effects and the Dr.'s POV on it. Although he recommends all of the vaccines he does give you enough information to make an informed decision about it; and he completely respects those parents who choose not to, or to selectively vaccinate. I am halfway through the book and from this initial research there are only 3 vaccines I might consider to give my baby. The HIB and PC vaccines because one of the diseases the viruses can cause if getting into the bloodstream is Meningitis and I am really scared about it. The DT (Diphtheria and Tetanus) because Diphteria although not as common is still endemic in Ecuador, where I am from , and my kid will be traveling there once or twice a year. Other vaccines such as the Hep B vaccine (sexually transmitted disease), Polio, MMR, Rotavirus, Flu and Chickenpox I am most likely going to opt out of. From the info I have gathered those diseases are not easily transmitted (like Hep B) have been inexistent in the western hemisphere for the past 10 years (Polio), are not life threatening and lifetime immunity is possible through actually getting the disease while the vaccine offers only temporary protection (Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Chicken Pox). Additionally, these vaccines have some rare but very scary side effects such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Encephalitis, Subacute sclerosis pan encephalitis, SIDs, Autism . Regarding the Flu and Rota virus vaccines, there are so many strains of these viruses that especially the Flu vaccine doesn't seem to offer much protection. There is 1 vaccine I am really lost about and it is the P (Pertussis) shot; it is part of the DTaP vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis)but it seems to be the controversial part. I have read that it has been linked to SIDs (Sudden Infant death syndrome), and that vaccinated kids can still get the disease; so I really need to do a lot of research on this one to make an informed decision about it and the other vaccines. First and foremost I want to do what is best for my baby's health and somehow my gut is telling me all the shots are not, but some might be. It is just hard to believe that injecting a variety of toxins and ingredients that have been deemed unsafe for humans (adults) (aluminum, formaldehyde, animal tissues, live viruses, etc) are safe and beneficial on a 2 month old baby. If I choose to selective vaccinate I am definitely delaying the shots until 4 or 6 months and getting no more than 1 or 2 shots at a time to minimize the amount of harmful ingredients being punt into my little girl's body. I understand this is a very controversial and sensitive topic but I will appreciate any comments, suggestions, opinions and advice. I am new to this and I am open to listen to everyone's opinion. Now I need to find a Vaccine - friendly pediatrician who will respect my choices and who will be willing to selectively vaccinate and/or delay the shots.
I did some shopping for the baby today; Old Navy has a 40% discount on all kids and baby clothes so I took advantage of that to get some essentials for first 6 to 12 months.
In regards to my belly I think it has grown a lot during the past week, and Dave thinks so too; so I am posting this week's picture to make you guys judge it!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

20 Weeks!! Finally Exercising

So I am in my 20th week. This was the 1st week since week 13th that I was able to exercise constantly.
Because of my low lying placenta I wasn't allowed to exercise for 5 weeks; then when the placenta moved up and I was given the green light to go back to exercise I catch a cold that kept me out of it for another week.
This week I started with a brisk walk on Monday, Tuesday I did the elliptical and Yoga, Wednesday I went back to my swim class only to find out the pool heater wasn't working but thanks God it didn't make me relapse into my cold. Thursday I rested, Friday did the elliptical again and Saturday Yoga and a walk. Any advice on other pregnant friendly sports/exercises?
Tomorrow I will start my swim class again. I finally got rid of my cough through 4 days of getting myself into a steam tent with eucalyptus oil; it worked wonders.
I also feel my belly has gotten bigger during the past week, especially the last few days; I think that now people can tell I am pregnant rather than just chunkier than before, and I am loving it!!!
Pregnancy clothes are still big on me and my clothes don't fit any more but a dear friend of mine gave the greatest idea of using a tube top on top of my regular pants to hold them up while wearing them open. Then I found out they sell a wonderful device called a tummy sash that does the work, it looks just like a tube top slighter tighter to hold the pants up. I got two of them and I am loving them since I am being able to wear my regular clothes. Hopefully I can keep doing this for most of the pregnancy. I am just not to excited about pregnancy clothes, they are not too flattering and extremely expensive; so any advice on flattering maternity wear or tricks to keep wearing your regular clothes is greatly appreciated.
Regarding my dear baby she has increased her level of activity. I still can't feel real kicks and punches as I want to and as often as I want but she is definitely starting a pattern. She usually becomes active after breakfast while driving to work and during the morning at work; then she calms down in the afternoon and gets back to moving at night when I finally relax. I still feel like a fish tank being poked by blind fish but it is more apparent and less like gas than before. I think I really want to feel a linebacker inside of me; I really want to almost see my belly poking out because of the strength of her kicks and punches. I guess that will come later. When did most of you (women) started feeling real and constant kicks and punches?
That is the update for the week. I have a Dr.s appointment this Friday and an ultrasound the following Friday; I can't wait for the US and to see my dear Peanut again!!!
Please post any comments/ advice/ greetings!!!