Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cori update - 2years and 9 months

We are just having so much fun with you. Everyday you learn something new and you teach us something new.
We love to hear you talk and explain things to us; we also love to listen to you when you play with your toys (friends) especially before going to bed.
You are such a big girl now. I am afraid that your baby hood is almost over; it is sad to think that but we are enjoying every second of you.
On Saturday you will be getting your first hair cut. I finally caved in to the pressure of Tia Chola, Toto, Mayuca, etc. I love your crazy, all over the place hair but I do see the value of getting a hair cut; and quite honestly you do need one; it will be fun and Daddy, Lola, Tia Chola and Tia Emi will be there.
Today you told us you were drawing a picture of your family which included (Papi, Mami, Lola, Nana Melida and Cori). I love it!!!
Cori thanks for being so wonderful, so fun, so lovely; and for letting us live and enjoy with you this wonderful journey. We love you so much.

1 comment:

N Harper said...

Two cuties! You are blessed!
Nancy Harper