Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lolita Update - 4 Months old

Today was your 4 month check up.
You are doing just great. Growing steadily and staying within the 75th percentile of the growth curve. At 4 months you weight 14 pounds and measure 25 inches. You are 12 ounces heavier and a quarter of an inch shorter than your Big Sister Cori.
You are smiling, laughing, babbling, starting to roll over and just being a complete delight!
You were kind of sleeping through the night but for the past two days you have reversed that waking at 3 and 5. Don't worry I am OK with that for now. I guess I am used to it.
We decided to delay your shots until your sixth month check up. I feel comfortable with that decision and would rather for your immune system to be stronger to deal with the shots. You will only get one shot at a time and in total you will get 3 vaccines (DTAP, PC, HIB).

We are really enjoying you and can't wait to see what is ahead of us the next few months.
We love you!!!

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